Marketing 101 – Philip Kotler on Marketing Strategy | Digital Marketing

A marketing strategy that will boost your business to the next level.

Are you struggling with your marketing strategy? Do you want to generate more leads and sales? If yes, then this video is for you! 

00:00 Meeting The Global Challenges
40:23 Building Your Marketing and Sales Organization
1:29:26 Moving From Traditional Marketing to Digital Marketing & Marketing Analytics
1:39:55 Moving to Marketing 3.0 & Corporate Social Responsibility

In this video, Philip Kotler, the father of modern marketing, guides us with a marketing strategies that will help you achieve your business objectives, goals and create a well measured and achievable ROI. 

The strategies that Philip Kotler guides here are well executed and proven strategies that helps in all forms of marketing including digital marketing. Also, these well planned strategies will increase your sales.

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